New Zealand Rail Maps Project
Overview: The National Railway Museum of New Zealand
The National Railway Museum of New Zealand is a heritage railway organisation based at the Ferrymead Railway in Christchurch. It was first established around 2003 so it has been in operation for about 20 years. It grew out of ideas for a dedicated exhibition-focused branch of the Ferrymead Railway. Ferrymead itself is somewhat unusual in…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – February 2023
Welcome to the project development report for February 2023. This month work has been ongoing in a number of volumes: 2, 5 and 9 covering parts of the NIMT, PNGL and Midland Line. Due to a change in focus for 2023 and consequent expectations of a reduced time allocation for the project, it has been…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – January 2023
Welcome to the first project development report for 2023. With a new year coming around, it is always a good time to review the way forward for the coming 12 months. An important backdrop to this is an expectation that map production will slow in 2023 due to competing time uses. Here are the different…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – December 2022
Here’s to the completion of another year of development of the New Zealand Rail Maps Project. This year has been unlike any other as it has seen a great many personal challenges to overcome which have produced delays and distractions throughout. Almost all of the year has been devoted to completion of Volume 11 of…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – November 2022
Work has continued at a renewed pace over the past month to move things along in the Project back to the speed of development which has been more typical prior to the last 12 months. This means there has been a lot of progress on the Otago Central maps which are nearing completion. However having…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – October 2022
During the month of October, steady progress has been made on the development of Volume 11 towards the intention of making that the next volume to be completed. Mosaic development is currently focused on the Otago Central Branch, now the Otago Central Rail Trail for the most part. This is an interesting aspect of map…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – September 2022
During the month of September, progress on the NZRM project has been slower than expected. Nevertheless, the focus and work on Volume 11 is continuing. Mosaics are currently in production for the section of the MSL main line corridor for Oamaru to Palmerston along with all of the six branches in that section (Ngapara, Tokarahi,…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – August 2022
During the month of August, work has been carried out on Volumes 9 (Midland Line) and 11 (Main South Line), the former in order to inform a field trip planned into the area late this year or early next year; and the latter to push ahead with the completion of this volume. In fact, in…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – July 2022
July 2022 has seen steady if somewhat slow ongoing progress on the rail maps project. As in the previous month, the focus shifted to general maps of Christchurch City. However, some work has been done on the rail maps, most notably for Rolleston and Springfield. This took quite a lot of work to complete but…
Rolleston’s Stations
Rolleston is a junction station where the Midland Line to Greymouth branches off from the Main South Line that runs south from Lyttelton to Invercargill. The first station at Rolleston was part of the broad-gauge Great Southern Line, built by Canterbury Provincial Railways, and opened in 1866. It was situated within the triangle formed by…