Category: Wairarapa Line
Wairarapa Line [0DD]: Volume 6 Progress Update 30
Good afternoon. Work is resuming on Volume 6 after a couple of days looking at some maps in Volume 1. We are certain of completing Volume 6 in about 2 weeks and are looking forward to it so we can finish that task and move onto working on another volume. One of the issues that…
Wairarapa Line [0CC]: Volume 6 Progress Update 29
Good evening. Work is continuing at a steady pace on Volume 6 with the alignment of our maps to the current base imagery reaching down to the 119 km peg just south of Eketahuna at present. This has slowed a little due to some work on another volume but is still continuing and we expect…
Wairarapa Line [0BB]: Volume 6 Progress Update 28
Good morning. Following from last time we are working on mosaics for Booth’s Siding at Carterton, the fertiliser depot near Carterton, Tui Dairy Factory at Pahiatua, Mauriceville, Ngawaparua Bridge and the ballast siding there, and a several extra stations like Eketahuna and Mangatainoka. At the moment, LDS does not have a download limit; probably because…
Wairarapa Line [0AA]: Volume 6 Progress Update 27
Good morning. We have just finished creating more mosaics for this volume. There is now a full set of 1943 coverage all the way from Upper Hutt to Featherston, including the current route, as we have added some aerial photos of that era for Rimutaka Loop up to Featherston to make an interesting comparison with…
Wairarapa Line [0Z]: Volume 6 Progress Update 26
Good morning. Things have slowed a little in the past week and we are a bit behind on getting the maps completed to Featherston. In actuality the main line corridor has been checked to the outskirts of that township, but we still have to draw yard layouts for three previous stations: Cross Creek, Pigeon Bush…
Wairarapa Line [7B]: Rimutaka Incline Section [3]: Kaitoke-Summit
This is the third in a series of five research posts about the Rimutaka Incline section of the Wairarapa Line. This section was bypassed by the Rimutaka Deviation in October 1955 and the track was lifted within months. The Remutaka Rail Trail is currently the major feature of this part of the Rimutaka Incline Section…
Wairarapa Line [0Y]: Volume 6 Progress Update 25
Welcome to Volume 6 Progress Update 25. Work this week has been pretty slow in completing the section from Kaitoke to Summit. We have drawn a reasonable yard layout for Summit and then set about to produce the maps from Kaitoke to there. Unfortunately these had to be revised three times and reissued accordingly and…
Wairarapa Line [0X]: Volume 6 Progress Update 24
Welcome to another progress update for Volume 6. In the last week we produced maps for the Western Hutt Section and the second part of the five sections we have divided the Rimutaka Incline Section into, for the purpose of a series of five research posts. Currently we are working on the Rimutaka Incline Section…
Wairarapa Line [7B]: Rimutaka Incline Section [2]: Tunnel Gully – Kaitoke
For the second part of the research series on the Rimutaka Incline Section we are covering the area known as Tunnel Gully, along with the Kaitoke station precinct and the section now used as public access to the Remutaka Incline Rail Trail. We have at this time been marking out the route through to Cross…
Wairarapa Line [3A]: Melling Branch / Western Hutt Section
“Western Hutt Section” covers the original route of the Wairarapa Line from Petone to Haywards on the west bank of the Hutt River. This is where the line was first opened in 1875. It remained the main line until 1954 when the Hutt Valley branch on the eastern side was extended through to Haywards and…