Wairarapa Line [0AA]: Volume 6 Progress Update 27

Good morning. We have just finished creating more mosaics for this volume. There is now a full set of 1943 coverage all the way from Upper Hutt to Featherston, including the current route, as we have added some aerial photos of that era for Rimutaka Loop up to Featherston to make an interesting comparison with the deviation that was opened in 1955, of what the country up into Lucena’s gully looked like before there was a railway there.
The mosaics for Rimutaka Loop to Masterton and the Greytown Branch have just been completed as well, including R Loop, Featherston, Carterton, Waingawa, Solway and Masterton. Waingawa was the location of Borthwick’s Freezing Works for many years but it closed down quite a long time ago now and there is a sawmill at the site presently. 
We are aware that there have been a number of other sidings along this section of the route and further north. Among them are Booth’s Siding at Carterton, East Coast Farmers Fertiliser between Carterton and Waingawa, the dairy factory at Pahiatua, Wright Stephenson at Pahiatua, Ngawaparua Ballast Pit and combined bridge. There may also have been a private siding at Mauriceville. For this reason we are uncertain whether more mosaics need to be done, as originally it was not planned to do any more beyond Masterton. This will be investigated over the next couple of days. 



