Category: Otago Central Railway

  • Otago Central Railway [30B]: Galloway

    Well I have started working from the other end of the line backwards because it makes a lot more sense seeing that is the direction I am working in for an article I am writing at the moment. So having already covered Cromwell to Alexandra then it is working back from Alexandra to somewhere, maybe…

  • Otago Central Railway [38A]: Hyde

     Hyde from the 1966 aerial photo of the area.  Hyde. The only structures remaining are the station building, platform and loading bank. The yard was purchased privately from NZR when the line closed and therefore remains more or less as it was except for the buildings that have been removed. A long and deep cutting…

  • Otago Central Railway [37]: Rock and Pillar

    Work on the OCR maps in general has been going pretty slowly of late, as have a lot of other things. I hope to get back up to speed pretty soon because I have to do some more article writing over the next few weeks. Rock and Pillar is the second station up from Middlemarch…

  • Otago Central Railway [36A]: Ngapuna 2

    When I did my post on Ngapuna I forgot to put in the aerial photo of the site. This was taken in 1966. The main road in front of the station, Ngapuna Road, was actually State Highway 87 until at least 1978. The supposedly isolated location of Ngapuna today wasn’t accurately reflected at the time…

  • Otago Central Railway [36]: Ngapuna

    Ngapuna is the first station past Middlemarch at 70.08 km. It has historically been a small station with a shelter shed, loading bank and a stockyard. This changed little during its life, possibly only the platform was lengthened. As the station closed in 1979, the site was cleared. The Rail Trail Trust has obtained the…

  • Otago Central Railway [31G]: Alexandra (Fulton Hogan Siding)

    If you are familiar with the Quail Atlas you will notice that in the map for the Otago Central Railway there is this bit mentioning Fulton Hogan’s siding. Since Over the Garden Wall does not mention this siding I am doing my own research to discover it. In fact OTGW does miss a lot of…

  • Otago Central Railway [34B]: NZED Depot

    As we know there was an NZED siding at Clyde from 1968 to 1978. It was used in conjunction with a transmission line that was constructed to the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter during this period. NZED established a depot at this site next to what later became the MOW depot, which was built for the…

  • Otago Central Railway [34A]: Clyde 1977

    As noted in my previous post this aerial photo holds a crucial piece of detail regarding to the Clyde railway station dating from March 1977. I have had previous scans done of photos from the same aerial survey, partly to look for the NZED siding. Now it seems the location of this siding was near…

  • Otago Central Railway [34]: Clyde Sidings

    Well just a quick note really. Work is continuing in progress on the Otago Central with a lot of writing and various last minute changes to maps to ensure they are properly up to date. Clyde from 1969 to 1978 had an NZED depot which was accessed by a siding with the points facing the…

  • Otago Central Railway [31F]: Alexandra aerial photos 2

    Well in OCR[32] I posted the footprints of three aerial photos of Alexandra. I have now purchased these photos for $110 and received them today. The yard at Alexandra was comparable with Clyde or Cromwell in view of the type of facilities that were needed in order to service the commercial requirements of the local…