Category: Main North Line

  • Waiau Branch [1C]: Waipara 1950

    This is a very quick comparison shot of Waipara in 1950. See my previous post for more detail of what the buildings are.

  • Waiau Branch [1B]: Waipara Station history

    Once again this article is not in either a MNL or Waiau Branch series, because these pictures are another set of samples rather than a complete set of maps for Waipara. I am warming to the idea of doing a Waiau Branch series, and also adding the 1950 aerial of Waipara to the 1961, 1972…

  • Waiau Branch [1A]: Waipara aerials 1972/1979/2014

    Although there will be a series for the Waiau Branch in due course (MAYBE!), here are just the aerials to date for a preview. No maps on them as yet. These aerials are a composite of 1972, 1979 and 2015 imagery. When the maps are eventually drawn there will be two different maps – one…

  • New compositions [2]

    Following on from the previous post about discussing where things can go after Otago Central I have been looking at aerial imagery available for North Canterbury (Waiau Branch and MNL) and Hawkes Bay / Eastland (NGL). At the same time I am also looking at Volume 12 completion (Kingston Branch and its various branches, but…

  • Main North Line [7]: Picton 3

    Well today’s effort is pretty good considering I spent most of the morning reinstalling my computer (I changed the operating system from Xubuntu 17.10 to Debian 9.1, which has let me build an older Qgis master from source code and install it natively, thus obviating the need to use virtual machines for map work). This…

  • Main North Line [6]: Picton 2 (Picton 1959-1984)

    I am just about finished laying out the Picton yard. This will have to cease by the end of the week as I want to finish yard layouts and other maps for the Otago Central because maps have to be ready for something getting published soon. We’re going to have a look at how Picton…

  • Main North Line [5]: Picton 1

    So here is a bit more of Picton. Pretty slow progress but on the other hand the yard is hard to draw because the aerial photography available is pretty poor quality. The original photo of Picton seen in my last post is interesting but I won’t be drawing a layout of the old yard for…

  • Main North Line [4]: New map series

    The next series I’m working on is the Main North Line and working south from Picton. Since the line is in the process of being reopened it seems like a good time to update the maps there. Most of the maps are already complete and in the main it is a matter of reincorporating new…

  • Retrolens Aerial Photos: Waiau Branch

    Whilst I am waiting for two more prints of Alexandra to turn up to confirm the FH siding I will just post some stuff about Retrolens. This is a great new initiative from Linz where they are scanning the aerial photos (contact prints) from their surveys at high resolution and releasing them free online. I…

  • Main North Line [3]: Clarence

    I’m going to go a bit out of sequence here and put Clarence into the mix while also talking about some other things. I had to reinstall the computer that I do the maps on (it was updated to Xubuntu 17.10 which is actually a beta version), this let me update Qgis 2.99 to the…