Category: Main North Line
Overlay Webmaps Development Preview – Greater Christchurch [3]
This post is a series on the development of a new web maps preview for the Greater Christchurch area. The creation of this preview is currently intended to be used to promote the utility of the maps for the Greater Christchurch area, to give access to historical and current day information about the Greater Christchurch,…
Overlay Webmaps Development Preview – Greater Christchurch
Good afternoon. Here is this week’s update summary for the NZ Rail Maps Project. So far, in order to aid the development model for the new web site, we have created two different development previews: Volume 1 (North Auckland Line) and Volume 6 (Wairarapa Line). These have reflected several development levels proposed for the maps:…
Project Diary 2019-12-19: Greater Christchurch Maps Update
In the last few weeks our research has continued of Greater Christchurch maps, branching out into looking into railway housing in Heathcote and Lyttelton. The development of railway housing in large cities is naturally very different from small towns, as these two examples show. We plan also to take a closer look at railway housing…
Railway Housing in Greater Christchurch [1]: Introduction
As we all know, when NZR developed their network, staffing requirements especially in remote locations often required housing to be provided. There are a number of townships in NZ where the amount of railway staff housing was significant compared to the overall community, including several railway towns – Otira on the Midland Line being one…
Project Diary 2019-11-15: Greater Christchurch Maps Key Milestone
We are pleased to announce a key milestone has been reached in the Greater Christchurch maps we are producing as part of the NZ Rail Maps project. We have now completed the historic aerial photo mosaic projects for all of Greater Christchurch, that is, the following four sections of railway: Eastward: Main South Line from…
Project Diary 2019-11-02: Christchurch Maps
Our first blog post for November. Map production this week has been limited to a complex fix for a problem discovered in the Heathcote-Ferrymead maps for 1985. Trying to align two different rail lines in four places simultaneously can be very complex. Cutting the Main South Line out through the back of Ferrymead is a…
Project DIary 2019-10-26: Christchurch Maps
It’s been another busy week of gathering research information and a lot of work pulling out map tiles. As noted in previous posts, we spend a lot of time each week, currently around 6 hours, researching all the stations in the Greater Christchurch area. This will involve viewing around 50 files a week and copying…
Project Diary 2019-10-18: Christchurch Maps
Progress on the maps this week has continued to focus on the Main North Line section of Greater Christchurch. This inches on towards completion with, we estimate, just a week more work to finish it. Quite a bit of work was needed just to add a 1955 aerial image showing the old route between Chaneys…
Project Diary 2019-10-12: Christchurch Maps
Local government election results are in and the unfortunate conclusion is we will not see much that improves Public Transport over the next three years in Greater Christchurch. More about this in Christchurch Transport Blog in the next few days. Meanwhile Greater Christchurch maps are the main focus this week again and in recognition of…
Project Diary 2019-10-03: Christchurch Maps
Well here’s another update, and promises, promises, promises…. the last week has slowed things down a bit due to having to deal with other issues, but we are back up to speed now. Plus there have been more than a few issues with Gimp that caused crashes, meaning having to go back and redo stuff…