New Zealand Rail Maps Project
Tokarahi Branch
The Tokarahi Branch, which branched from the Ngapara Branch at Windsor, approximately 16 km inland from Oamaru, is one of those branches we know very little about historically. The information in the fourth edition of the Quail Atlas is inaccurate, omitting a certain amount of detail about the line, which is most probably due to…
Fairlie Branch Stations: NZRM Stations Site Plan
As you would have seen from yesterday’s post, some information on stations of the Fairlie Branch Line was posted as a proposed series of articles. It is time consuming to produce articles such as these, the main reason why they stopped coming out a while ago, and given that a separate Stations site is being…
Fairlie Branch Stations [1]: Racecourse – Waitawa
This post is about the stations on the Fairlie Branch and there will be two or three posts on this topic. It’s a long time since anything like this has been written on this blog (in fact all the posts of this type generally go back to Blogger days) and there isn’t any plan concerning…
New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report [2021B]
Here is our second project development report for the NZ Rail Maps project for 2021. At the beginning of this year, after making the decision to launch our own web site, NZ Rail Maps was set up on the current hosting platform as three distinct sites, all of which are subdomains. This blog is hosted…
NZRM Update 2021-05-01: Webmaps Stage 1 Completed
Good morning. Today, with the release of the final update, NZ Rail Maps Webmaps Stage 1 is now complete. This is an important achievement and milestone for the NZ Rail Maps project; it represents the first time that a complete set of maps for the whole country has been available from the project. The criteria…
NZRM Update This Week
This week, Stage 1 of the NZ Rail Maps Web Maps will be completed. At the time of publishing this blog, Volume 11 has been completed and is being checked for completeness, whilst Volumes 7 and 8 are currently being added to the webmaps and will be completed over the next day or two. Apart…
NZRM Update 2021-04-06
Good evening. This week’s update to the NZ Rail Maps webmaps site completes the addition of content for Volume 12. Volume 12 is essentially an overflow volume from Volume 11 (Main South Line) and includes all branch lines south of Dunedin. It was proposed originally this update would include more content but this week the…
NZRM Update 2021-03-17
Good morning. This week’s update to NZ Rail Maps adds in Volume 12 in the South Island as well as some missed detail in the North Island. In addition some extra stations have been added into the default webmap view that is initially loaded in a browser (zoom level 9). Volume 12 is one of…
Questions Over Government Rail Freight Strategy [3]
As noted in our last post the government has effectively given over the incentivisation of mode shift to rail to regional / unitary councils to implement in concert with NZTA. This relies on the assumption that rail freight between industries and ports is a major traffic source and that therefore the regional councils as port…
NZRM Update 2021-03-09
Good evening. As noted on the project’s Facebook page, this week’s update will focus on completing coverage of the webmaps for the North Island, rather than adding all volumes in the South Island as was originally proposed in this timeframe. Last week’s update took a lot more work than planned, partly because of extra work…