Category: Volume 0

  • Facebook presence not the be all and end all of this or any project

    Earlier this year I removed the FB page for this project. Recently I have reinstated a page. But I kept up blogging on this blog and I intend to do so. I also have other web sites that I use to post content for this project. The reason I have multiple sites is that FB…

  • The best ever maps of the Nelson Section – and why they are a one-off

    For the last few years I have been drawing the best ever maps of the Otago Central Railway. Right now I am drawing the best ever maps of the Nelson Section. What have both those got in common? A lot of readily available online documentation, including the all important aerial photos. Does this mean every…

  • Evolution of the maps project and Facebook presence

    Oh look! The NZ Rail Maps project has a Facebook page again! Didn’t it have one before? Why did it get deleted and why is there a new page there now? Those are all good questions even if the answers are very complex. This project has happened over ten years so far and different means…

  • New Zealand Rail Maps Facebook Page

    I have decided to reinstate a Facebook page for the New Zealand Rail Maps project. The Facebook address is @nzrailmaps. The page will continue indefinitely even when the project’s active phase comes to an end later this year. It will receive all the blog posts and other resources associated with the project.

  • Midland Line [1A]: Otira-Greymouth 1: Stillwater

    Just for something completely random but it is happening because the Midland Line and particularly the Stillwater Ngakawau Line are two where I need to finish off the basic detailing. With the help of Linz aerial photos I will also draw in any yard tracks and sidings found along the way. These posts are not…

  • Project finalisation

    At the moment I am tidying up loose ends as I plan how much can be completed by the end of the project which at the moment is going to end in December of this year. Five months from now. Naturally the Otago Central will be the most complete line although there is a lot…

  • Otago Central Railway [31F]: Alexandra aerial photos 2

    Well in OCR[32] I posted the footprints of three aerial photos of Alexandra. I have now purchased these photos for $110 and received them today. The yard at Alexandra was comparable with Clyde or Cromwell in view of the type of facilities that were needed in order to service the commercial requirements of the local…

  • ProjectDev: Ensuring correct distances on maps

    When it comes to rail maps, we have things like stations that have distances associated with them, and marking the correct distances is a pretty important facet of designing maps. When the Quail Atlas came out in the third and fourth editions, it was metricated from the first two editions which were produced in the…

  • Main North Line [3]: Clarence

    I’m going to go a bit out of sequence here and put Clarence into the mix while also talking about some other things. I had to reinstall the computer that I do the maps on (it was updated to Xubuntu 17.10 which is actually a beta version), this let me update Qgis 2.99 to the…

  • Otago Central Railway [31E]: Article Part 1 / Alexandra aerial photos

    Well as you can see it has been a couple of weeks since posting, I have been busy talking to people and looking at a few things. I am seriously having a look at whether to get some more aerial photos to update the knowledge I have of Alexandra yard, but this will just be…