Category: Volume 0

  • Letter to the Editor of the New Zealand Railway Observer

    Concerning editorial changes made to submitted articles to the New Zealand Railway Observer. During the last three editions of the New Zealand Railway Observer (No.346-348) I have had published a series of articles entitled “The Geography of the Otago Central Railway”. I enjoyed writing these articles and sought in the process of this to provide…

  • Otago Central Railway [61B]: Finishing Maps – Clyde 1

    So while I am working on the Addington mosaic, that is a pretty slow process with a lot of downtime waiting for Gimp to resize images, the best part is with another computer doing only that and nothing else, I can carry on with maps on my main computer. And in actuality that is a…

  • Main North Line [10]: Aerial Photography

    Most of the mapwork over the past few days has been with MNL aerial photography which has to be downloaded and then sorted through to pick up just the photos I want. This is a slow process because of the download limit of 3.5 GB per download from the Linz website and the number of…

  • Main North Line [8]: Full aerial coverage

    During the migration to Qgis 3 I have started migrating the CWNM project to this edition and it needs a bit of work to fix up various things. Alongside this I have been doing a lot to get a full set of aerial photos for every line, although particularly the Main North Line at present. …

  • Project forum

    So yesterday I opened a Facebook group for the maps project, and a number of people have joined it. This means I don’t need to use the general forums so much, although there will be posts there from time to time to announce progress with different aspects, as well as to keep the membership of…

  • New compositions [2]

    Following on from the previous post about discussing where things can go after Otago Central I have been looking at aerial imagery available for North Canterbury (Waiau Branch and MNL) and Hawkes Bay / Eastland (NGL). At the same time I am also looking at Volume 12 completion (Kingston Branch and its various branches, but…

  • New compositions

    My last post looked at what could be done in terms of mapping more detail (i.e. drawing station layouts etc) which has largely been done by photoshopping the historical aerial images over the top of present day ones, which makes it very easy to draw the track layouts on them. Most recently this was done…

  • Maps Project Development in 2018

    As we can be aware the development of maps for the Otago Central Railway has been a very intensive effort. This is in no small way due to the level of public interest in the line because of the Rail Trail. At the same time I have had a good level of interaction with the…

  • Seasons Greetings to our readers

    Since I have finished Part 2 of my series of articles upon the Otago Central Railway, I now have breathing space to have a break over the holidays. Although stuff will still be happening I won’t be blogging too much for the rest of this year. Nevertheless before too long the Part 3 deadline will…

  • [New Zealand Rail Maps]: Published

    New Zealand Rail Maps is now published, with an article about the Otago Central Railway in the NZ Railway Observer which has just come out for this month. This is the first part of what is expected to be a three part article series about the Otago Central Railway and its history. When I decided…