Category: Otago Central Railway

  • Otago Central Railway [19]: Clyde completed

    Well since my last post I have been putting in extra details in the Clyde yard and checking them against the current Linz aerial footage that I have used. This work is now complete. There is just some checking to be done against the 1992 aerial footage and also one change to be done to…

  • Otago Central Railway [18D]: Cromwell Gorge Map almost completed

    Just a really quick note to say the Cromwell Gorge map has been completed (for the gorge). In order to finish the map from Clyde to Cromwell, all I have to do is finish the layout for Clyde station. The amount of detail needed from the chainage charts west of Clyde was not huge and…

  • Otago Central Railway [18C]: Clyde NZED Siding

    Well I have been pushing ahead to put in the milepegs but I have not started adding stuff in the Old Clyde yard yet. But I will probably do a bit of that today. Today’s puzzle is the NZED Siding mentioned in Dangerfield & Emerson 3rd edition page 109 listed at 214.69 km and active…

  • Otago Central Railway [18B]: Clyde aerial photos from the Whites Aviation Collection, National Library NZ

    Clyde 1951. Very different today. Turntable still in place. Clyde 1957, turntable was still in place then. Clyde 1959. Showing where the engine shed was. Clyde was the railhead until the extension to Cromwell opened in 1921 and the shed was probably removed after then but the turntable survived until sometime between the previous 1957…

  • Otago Central Railway [18A]: The Clyde rail corridor and the 133 mile peg

    Yesterday I published a map purporting to show the 133 mile peg. Today I discovered I was mistaken about the location of where that peg is. It looks rather like I placed it about a mile from its actual location. However, I can’t be sure exactly because I haven’t yet tried to locate 134 miles.…

  • Otago Central Railway [18]: Clyde

    Well the mapping of the Cromwell Gorge for the route of the railway and highway has been completed. The next step is to put in the milepegs and any other relevant data, starting from the 133 MP shown to the right, this will include any additional features of the Clyde yard that weren’t present in…

  • Otago Central Railway [17]: Doigs

    As I mentioned last time, Doigs is the first station up the Gorge after Clyde. It was a small station with just a shelter shed and a very short siding. Nearby was the ballast pit. Drawing the maps up to this point has been quite time consuming. It actually took four attempts to get the…

  • Otago Central Railway [16]: Cromwell Gorge

    Well the notion that the holidays was going to offer ample time to get this project pushed along turned out to be a bit of a flop because the holidays were busier than term time. So my expectations for getting a lot of progress done haven’t materialised.  However things have slowed down again back in…

  • Otago Central Railway [15]: Cromwell Gorge

    So I haven’t made a lot of progress since the last post but work is coming along on finishing the gorge where a lot of the old railway route is under the shoreline or the lake from the hydropower development of the 1980s. As far as I know this situation is unique in New Zealand…

  • Otago Central Railway [14]: Finalising the Cromwell Gorge

    So I have been taking a look at the Cromwell Gorge aerial data again after discovering my maps didn’t line up with the 0.4 metre aerial photos from LINZ. Well it turns out that I completely misaligned the aerials when I originally checked them against the original maps. In fact it was done very quickly…