Category: Otago Central Railway
Otago Central Railway [47C]: CG aerials
Burning the midnight oil on this one big time. This is very slow and intensive, a lot more work than simply overlaying in GE, but better ultimately. Here are two illustrations: in GIMP and Qgis. Right now we are just at the level of putting in the base layer to draw the maps. The next…
Otago Central Railway [47B]: Cromwell Gorge revisited
Well the exercise in splicing the old aerials into the current aerial photography has been interesting so far because it has come up with different results to doing it in GE. And that is quite understandable all things considered. The aerial photography from Linz is orthorectified, which means it has been run through some complex…
Otago Central Railway [47A]: Cromwell Gorge Maps revisited?
I suppose when you look at the maps I have done, while they are interesting, they would be even more interesting if the historical aerial photography was overlaid into the present day aerial photography. This is really easy to do at a base level with Google Earth, but not so easy with the other tools…
Otago Central Railway [45]: Alexandra to Ranfurly
So I have Part 1 of a series of articles appearing in the NZ Railway Observer No.346 this month. It covers the line from Cromwell to Alexandra and the reason I decided to go in this order is the likely keen level of interest in the Cromwell Gorge in particular. The article will probably be…
Otago Central Railway [31H]: Fulton Hogan Sidings
Fulton Hogan have occupied at least three different sites around Alexandra, including a current site occupying what used to be part of the railway yard. Fulton Hogan were roading contractors and they undertook work as contract road builders in Central Otago for many years from the 1930s onwards. This map shows where a bitumen depot…
Otago Central Railway [34C]: Clyde Snapshots
As part of the public release of maps in stages for the Otago Central line, I have about 2 weeks to get maps of the section from Alexandra to Cromwell completed. The most complex section because of the large number of changes which need to be shown as snapshots on the maps is from Alexandra…
Otago Central Railway [28B]: Omakau
So this definitely will be the last yard diagram for a few weeks as I am busy, I have to finish Part 2 article but I also have other things happening, it is a busy time of year. Overview of Omakau. I classify Omakau as a major station on this line. The size of the…
Otago Central Railway [42]: Tiger Hill Overbridge (Bridge 74a)
I have decided to keep going with station diagrams for the time being but it will be a busy time with writing Part 2 and finishing off the maps needed for Part 1 so we will see how that goes. Omakau is the next station, followed by Lauder, Auripo, Ida Valley, Oturehua, Wedderburn and then…
Otago Central Railway [29B]: Chatto Creek
When I wrote my last post part of it was about the difficulty of getting good quality aerial imagery of some places. A bit of lateral thinking along with resurrecting the Linz aerial footprints layer has helped me obtain more quality aerial imagery of a few places, although the part of Alexandra covering the Fulton…
Otago Central Railway [40]: Progress
Well things have been a bit slow lately with the whole maps project, not just the Otago Central part of it. When I look over previous months particularly August when the SNL and Nelson maps were being put together quite rapidly, it’s pretty obvious that in September and October I haven’t been able to give…