Otago Central Railway [31H]: Fulton Hogan Sidings

Fulton Hogan have occupied at least three different sites around Alexandra, including a current site occupying what used to be part of the railway yard.
Fulton Hogan were roading contractors and they undertook work as contract road builders in Central Otago for many years from the 1930s onwards. This map shows where a bitumen depot was located opposite the oil company premises in Dunstan St in 1964, and making use of the same siding they used. A pipeline was provided to allow bitumen tank wagons to be unloaded in the siding. It is not clear whether FH may have had a premises nearby (for example opposite this depot in Dunstan Rd) at the time.
Fulton Hogan presently occupy a site at 113 Dunstan Rd which they share with Alexandra Transport and Ravensdown Fertiliser. This was the siding at the site in 1981 according to the NZR plan.

StreetView of the FH site 2013. In the left middle can be seen what looks like two rails, and this theory is backed up by the knowledge they are in the right place for the route of the siding.



