Author: admin

  • Web site update

    As previously described, due to the closedown of Google Plus, content I currently collate there will be relocated. I am currently looking into a free site to replace both the existing website (trainweb) and the Google Plus collations into one site. Trainweb has been very good and I will continue to use it in…

  • Website: Major change to Google Plus

    Google announced three weeks ago they would be closing Google Plus down. The NZ Rail Maps project does use Google Plus to collate links to some of our content. We don’t actually host content on Google Plus itself but we do use other Google services and these aren’t affected. Because of this change in Google…

  • Website

    The website is back operating again as I have been in contact with the domain hosting company (Domains4less) who have apparently decided to have this great idea of migrating their domains to a new platform without, it seems, informing me. Because their new system only lets me redirect one URL to trainweb, the site will…

  • Website problems

    For the purposes of NZ Rail Maps I have a domain registered which is This is actually redirected to which is hosted on a server in the US. At the moment the company which hosts my domain, Domains4Less, seems to be having some sort of meltdown (so it would appear) and if…

  • Otago Central Railway [61W]: Alexandra-Cromwell 20

    Last time I was talking about the challenge of aerial maps of the north part of Lake Dunstan. All of Lake Dunstan is of interest for historical purposes due to the hydro development resulting in indundation of a considerable area of land. Just as an aside I am about to do a map of Lake…

  • Otago Central Railway [61V]: Alexandra-Cromwell 19

    So I have been working on two mosaics in particular, the ones of Lake Dunstan from Cromwell to Luggate, and the ones of Clyde, over the past week but not as much as the previous week but that is what happens with ebb and flow of different time commitments etc. The Lake Dunstan ones are…

  • Otago Central Railway [61U]: Alexandra-Cromwell 18

    Not the railway, but this is what I have been working on for the Clutha valley north of Cromwell. The area on the left is called Lowburn and on the right is Northburn. The Lowburn bridge was built in the mid 1930s and replaced a punt. The old NZMS1 map of the Clutha valley from…

  • Otago Central Railway [61T]: Alexandra-Cromwell 17

    In the past few days I have been doing newer higher resolution aerial mosaics for Clyde. Here are screen dumps of what has been completed so far. Clyde in the 1960s.    Clyde in the 1970s.  Clyde in 2015. The main work still to be done is for 1978-1991 which includes the following changes: 1978:…

  • Otago Central Railway [61S]: Alexandra-Cromwell 16

    So the Cromwell maps took a little longer because I had to make bridge tiles to bridge the gap between the new aerial imagery and the old stuff I have for the rest of the gorge. So that there is a fairly seamless join between the new tiles and the existing ones. The bridge tiles…

  • Otago Central Railway [61R]: Alexandra-Cromwell 15

    As mentioned yesterday I am now working on new maps of Cromwell and hope to get some coverage that will also give me the valley going to the top of Lake Dunstan in conjunction with the Cromwell Museum to have full coverage of the historical appearance of that area.  After some experimentation I am doing…