New Zealand Rail Maps Project

  • Overlay Webmaps Development Preview – Greater Christchurch [2]

    Last time we talked about the process of developing a preview for Greater Christchurch and it was hoped we could have it ready in a few days. Now we are a week into this process and although good progress has been made on this task, it’s been necessary to juggle whether to spend time getting…

  • Overlay Webmaps Development Preview – Greater Christchurch

    Good afternoon. Here is this week’s update summary for the NZ Rail Maps Project. So far, in order to aid the development model for the new web site, we have created two different development previews: Volume 1 (North Auckland Line) and Volume 6 (Wairarapa Line). These have reflected several development levels proposed for the maps:…

  • Wairarapa Line (Volume 6) Webmaps Preview

    Good afternoon. In our last blog post we proposed that web maps for Volume 6 (Wairarapa Line), based on the previously published static images for Volume 6, would become available this week. We are pleased to announce that a preview for part of Volume 6, from Wellington to Waterloo in the Hutt Valley, is now…

  • North Auckland Line [0Y]: Weekly Progress Report – Week 42, 2020

    Good morning. Last week’s blog referred to samples of Southdown and suggested a method of providing access to specific levels of aerial photography for each station. This week, instead of other map work, time was taken to reflect on further options for displaying aerial photography, and even although another week has gone by with seemingly…

  • North Auckland Line [0X]: Weekly Progress Report – Week 41, 2020

    Good morning. In the last couple of weeks, work has focused both on adding more detail to the maps as is the usual effort, and developing the website. The latter proceeds slowly by steps as it is in effect a completely from the ground up effort which has started from the bare bones of a…

  • NZ Rail Maps Project Development Report [2020L]: Welcome to the new NZ Rail Maps Web Site

    If you’re reading this on Facebook or on our project group then welcome to our new web site. NZRM Project is developing this site following a decision to migrate to a full web tile maps system for providing NZ Rail Maps content over the Internet. As Volume 1 of the entire maps project is…

  • NZ Rail Maps Project Development Report [2020K]: Web Development Trial

    The above is the home page you will see when you put the address into your web browser. It is starting as a default WordPress site and as Project spends time customising it, will change in appearance to resemble this blog. As of today, Project has signed with GoDaddy NZ for 1 year for…

  • NZ Rail Maps Project Development Report [2020J]: New Production Options

    In Project’s last PDR, [2020I], published in August, the development of the nzrailmaps website that had been started at was discussed. The site development discussed there is for a static website where the maps are manually generated from the GIS and then uploaded as images to a photo gallery type of site. Project chose…

  • North Auckland Line [0W]: Weekly Progress Report – Week 39, 2020

    Project recently has completed some mapping of Okaihau / Rangiahua sections, Dargaville / Kaihu sections and North Auckland Line main route. However due to other life priorities work has slowed during the past week and Project does not expect the present very slow progress to show much increase during the current week. Work has started…

  • North Auckland Line [0V]: Weekly Progress Report – Week 38, 2020

    Apologies for failing to produce these posts for the previous two weeks. Since the last update the following has been completed: Maps drawn of Portland Station, the site of the Wilson Portland Cement Company, now the only cement manufacturer in NZ, which once had its own private railway network and numerous locomotives it owned to…

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