While I am still working on maps for Alexandra here are some bits from Whites Aviation photos
This 1959 shot shows the west end of the station yard and it looks like there were some sidings at that end. The amount of documentation in publications like D&E of sidings is pretty small.
Taken from the same original and further west out from Alexandra yard we see oil company sidings.
A different image from 1959 but similar to the first one, probably taken at the same time, this one also shows a bit more of the yard including the goods shed.
Another shot of Alexandra taken in 1947 with a good clear view over the station and goods shed.
From the same 1947 photo this is the west end of the yard. There was no trace of the oil company sidings that we saw in the earlier photos. However there is a clear siding into premises facing onto Chicago Street and the under-construction building (foundations visible) that was the Apple and Pear Board premises now Hinton fruit and wine sales. Can’t remember where I have seen the photo that showed Apple and Pear Board right now. It looks like next to that premises were stockyards as marked by the row of “deckers” as the wagons were called, having double decks to load stock. But there doesn’t seem to have been a siding into the APB premises as there would not have been room unless it came off the siding into the other premises on Chicago St.
This one’s from 1951 as is the one below.
These ones show the oil company siding quite well and also that it was behind the main so there were sidings both sides of the main line and more than one line crossing Chicago St.
Not rail but this one shows what was the original highway bridge (as it later became) in Alexandra and was taken possibly in the 1930s. In the mid 1950s the present bridge was constructed alongside this bridge and the old bridge was demolished except for the piers that still stand in the Clutha River to this day and are designated a heritage landmark.
Clyde 1947 this is at the west end of the yard which is covered by this WA image (currently mislabelled Alexandra).