MSL Dunedin-Mosgiel [0C]: Intro 3

This is a quick update to show where we are up to with the Dunedin to Mosgiel mapping project I am undertaking at the moment. This is getting to be fairly comprehensive, bringing together maps that incorporate quite detailed coverage of practically all of the stations along the routes, as well as older historical views of the Fernhill and Walton Park lines.

I am through to Abbotsford with the aerial photography at the moment, and as there is no NZR coverage of this station specifically, I am going through other aerial collections to see what I can find that will give me some reasonable detail of Abbotsford. 
As you can see in the below there is great coverage of a lot of the railway siding served sites around Burnside and Green Island for example, here is the freezing works at Cattleyards and the cement works at Burnside.



