MSL Dunedin [3]: Historic aerial photos of South Dunedin

A view of the MSL between Kensington and Caversham in 1986. In the lower part of the picture is Hillside Workshops with Carisbrook Stadium directly above it. In the top left the diversion of the MSL off the 1910 double track embankment onto a new single track route to allow for motorway construction is underway. The new single track railway bridge at South Road can be seen under construction next to the 70 year old double track bridge and one of the double tracks is already out of service with much track lifted and the applicable half of the Wilkie Road bridge (and King Edward St bridge not visible in this photo) removed.

This aerial dates from 1979 and shows Caversham before the motorway. The railway coming from the right crosses South Road then enters Caversham station behind the old gas works. It then passes through a section of the suburb that barely exists today – the four overbridges crossing the railway cutting were built in the 1910s when the railway was doubled and realigned between Dunedin and Mosgiel. The construction of the motorway in the mid 1980s simply cut a wide swathe through above the railway cutting and as a result all the bridges were removed except for one converted to a footbridge, changing the streets into cul-de-sacs. The many vacant sections visible above the railway cutting suggest housing clearance was already underway in preparation for the motorway at that time. Towards the left the double track line can be seen passing under South Road and entering the tunnel, while the original single track alignment continues above South Road to reach the original tunnel which still exists today.



