For this series on MSL branches the articles will be numbered by branch, hence why the first post starts at series 2. Southbridge / Little River is 1, Springburn is 3, Fairlie is 4, Waimate is 5, Kurow is 6, Ngapara / Tokarahi is 7, Dunback / Makareao is 8, Port Chalmers / Walton Park is 9, Outram is 10, Roxburgh is 11, Catlins is 12, Tapanui is 13, Waikaka is 14, Waimea Plains is 15, Glenham is 16, Bluff is 17, Seaward Bush is 18. These are the ones that are in Volume 11 – there are two obvious exceptions which are in Volume 12.
Here are aerials of stations on the Methven Branch:
Methven in 1946.
Methven in 1956.
Methven NZR survey 1975.
Methven 1981 (five years after closure).
Rakaia 1984.
Lyndhurst 1941.
Urrall 1941.
Lauriston 1941.
Sherwood 1941.
Mitcham 1941.
Somerton 1941.
Hatfield 1946.
Cairnbrae 1946.
Two more of Rakaia in 1942.