Category: Volume 0

  • Map production update

    People who have been following this project for a while know that we did issue map collections for a considerable portion of New Zealand when we were using Flickr to store these collections. As a result of the reorganisation of NZ Rail Maps resources when the website was set up, the Flickr collections were taken…

  • Field testing maps

    This week we’ve had a bit of a field test of the maps just to evaluate some of the different ways they potentially could be used. Having been both on and off net over the course of a 2000 km trip, and travelling by road most of the time, we’ve had a bit of a…

  • Maps from other people or in other formats

    Here is a link to a post on Facebook about a map of the Moutohora Branch drawn by Graeme Jupp who is a retired professional cartographer. If you are not a member of the group the post appeared in you will have to join, if they won’t let you in too bad, I can’t do…

  • Waiau Branch [1K]: Full aerials added to maps

    One of the changes I am now doing with all the aerial mosaics is to render tiles that contain the full aerial photography for an area so that these full images can be used as part of the maps produced. The full aerial images are mainly of benefit for seeing how a greater area around…

  • Otago Central Railway [61O]: Cromwell-Alexandra 12

    So the focus right now on the Cromwell-Alexandra section is on three areas: the Cromwell Gorge aerial photography, Clyde yard (both sites) and Alexandra yard. These three aspects are being pushed along more or less simultaneously and as quickly as possible so that the maps can be complete. In relation particularly to the yards, I…

  • Project Development: Aerial Photography Selection

    Progress on the OCR maps has been slow this week because of other work. As far as the maps go, work on the Main South Line maps around Dunedin has been a greater priority. I had an enquiry for the maps around Dunedin Locomotive Depot and it was decided at the same time to download…

  • Otago Central Railway [61K]: Cromwell-Alexandra 8

    Well this series of posts [61] is turning into a series about Cromwell-Alexandra really. There is still a surprising amount of work needed just to finish this first section of the maps as they correspond to the article series. It is being pushed ahead as fast as I can go but I have to admit…

  • Project Development: Site Styles

    This is a very small note about map styles. I have used fills to mark out specific sites of premises which are being served by rail. The issue is that marking the boundaries produces visual clutter on the maps and this has to be weighed against the value of marking it. My feeling at this…

  • Otago Central Railway [61D]: Finishing Maps – Cromwell-Alexandra 2 / Polygonal Styles 2

    Below are two samples of Cromwell and Clyde which show the type of styles I am adopting for buildings, structures and sites. These samples show how the new styles are applied to fills such as sites, buildings and structures. This has come about because whilst I already worked out how to apply a white border…

  • Main North Line [11K]: Addington 11 / Polygonal Styles 1

    Some samples of the workshops site. The styles still have to be finalised before these are released on the website. The main style that needs to be finalised here is the building outlines, because the styles have been previously designed for diagram use with a plain white background and therefore have a solid black or…