Category: Volume 0

  • Website problems

    For the purposes of NZ Rail Maps I have a domain registered which is This is actually redirected to which is hosted on a server in the US. At the moment the company which hosts my domain, Domains4Less, seems to be having some sort of meltdown (so it would appear) and if…

  • Current maps progress

    At the present I am having a lot of computer free time for a break so there will be no progress on maps work until mid October. The station map tiles for the Methven Branch have been completed, while those for the Springburn Branch will be started soon.

  • MSL Branches [3B]: Springburn Branch 2 / Project website update

    I have started researching the Springburn Branch today. This will be a quick project like the Methven one, with only three morning sessions to look at 103 files. It will take in the latter day history of the line as well as all of the technical information such as the layouts of each station yard,…

  • Main North Line [0A]: Full set of MNL diagrams

    After my “field trip” up north in June I discussed the ideas for making the maps easier to use on a handheld device. The assumption being maps could either be viewed on the Google Photos site online, or downloaded to a device and browsed offline. After considering a range of options, adding navigational arrows and…

  • Project update

    Quick update as to where things are up to right now. I was busy over the weekend doing some local transport activism so there hasn’t quite been the expected progress. However I expect to have the Methven branch tiles finished today ready to begin mapping and also push on with the Otago Central Railway at…

  • Maps of Christchurch City

    Christchurch City gets covered for rail already, of course, but soon I’ll be downloading maps for the entire city, not just for areas around rail lines. The purpose of these being in order to cover my other transport interests, as I am becoming involved in transport advocacy which covers the entire range of transport networks.

  • Old working timetable mileages

    I have spent a bit of time over the last two weeks looking at resources from the local library. NZRLS over a number of years have published some working timetables of the NZR network and they do contain a lot of detail that can be useful for various purposes. However except for a list of…

  • Handheld Navigation

    Last week I touched on the subject of how to use the maps “in the field” and the challenges faced. Here is a map from the volume of the Napier-Gisborne line. I travelled from Wellington to Gisborne on the 22nd of June and returned to Wellington on the 24th. From there with a bit of…

  • PNGL Maps Update [2B]

    Following on from the last post I have updated one of the images in the collection (the one that covers Ormondville). The address again (this time spelt out for those reading this post syndicated to FB): Basically I have added two points to every font size on the map. The result is much more…

  • PNGL Maps Update [2A]

    The first set of samples for handheld navigation have been produced for testing. I have tested these with a phone (Nexus 5X) and with a 8″ Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet. The collection for Volume 5 is located here Here is the first of the maps in the collection. Whilst the maps look good on…