Category: Project Development

  • NZRM Progress Report 2023-06-23: Midland Line, Wairarapa Line, Palmerston North Gisborne Line, North Island Main Trunk

    This week on New Zealand Rail Maps the overwhelming focus has been on the migration of the project’s websites to a new hosting platform. This is now fully in operation both for this blog and for the webmaps. The new hosting solution is provided in New Zealand, rather than in California, and should probably result…

  • NZ Rail Maps Web Site Migration

    Currently work is under way to migrate the NZ Rail Maps website to a new hosting platform. This can be expected to be the last post on this blog before the migration occurs. The webmaps site is being left on its current hosting platform but with a new site address which is . This…

  • Volume 2 / Volume 9 Progress Report

    This week the Project is continuing work on both Volume 2 and Volume 9 of the maps. Volume 9 is being brought forward for all of the maps of this section to be printed in the next two weeks. This comprises the main line of the Midland Line starting from 3 km, just west of…

  • Updates to NIMT – Palmerston North & Midland Line Maps

    This week work has continued adding new content mainly to the NIMT maps for the Palmerston North area. The limited content available at the Retrolens site has been supplemented by significant historical aerial photo resources dating back to 1937 (at Longburn) and the area covered by this particular project will run from Linton to Whakarongo…

  • Palmerston North Content Adding To Maps

    Last week Volume 2 of NZ Rail Maps had aerial coverage added of a part of the railway network of Palmerston North. A set of aerial images covering the early history of the”new” rail yards of the 1960 (dated 1967 so quite different from the present day) and probably a survey flown specifically for the…

  • New Aerial Photos For Palmerston North

    NZRM has received a supply of historical aerial maps of Palmerston North from Linz and is currently adding them to Volume 2 of NZ Rail Maps. Those which have arrived in the past week are as follows: At this time NZRM is waiting to receive a number of additional aerial surveys from 1941, 1942, 1945…

  • New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – February 2023

    Welcome to the project development report for February 2023. This month work has been ongoing in a number of volumes: 2, 5 and 9 covering parts of the NIMT, PNGL and Midland Line. Due to a change in focus for 2023 and consequent expectations of a reduced time allocation for the project, it has been…

  • New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – January 2023

    Welcome to the first project development report for 2023. With a new year coming around, it is always a good time to review the way forward for the coming 12 months. An important backdrop to this is an expectation that map production will slow in 2023 due to competing time uses. Here are the different…

  • New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – December 2022

    Here’s to the completion of another year of development of the New Zealand Rail Maps Project. This year has been unlike any other as it has seen a great many personal challenges to overcome which have produced delays and distractions throughout. Almost all of the year has been devoted to completion of Volume 11 of…

  • New Zealand Rail Maps Project Development Report – October 2022

    During the month of October, steady progress has been made on the development of Volume 11 towards the intention of making that the next volume to be completed. Mosaic development is currently focused on the Otago Central Branch, now the Otago Central Rail Trail for the most part. This is an interesting aspect of map…