Category: Otago Central Railway

  • Otago Central Railway [4]: Mileposts

    Today I decided I was going to put mileposts in. This is possible because of the detail on the chainage charts. First issue to resolve is how to display them. In the OSStations table I have currently set up mileposts with a choice of either km or as units. This means miles can be…

  • Otago Central Railway [3]: Middlemarch-Rock and Pillar

    Today I started work on the rail trail route from Middlemarch up. So far I have completed about 13 km, which is about 10% of the rail trail route. Along the way there have been bridges to check and locate, and three major sites to draw on the map. It is clear that the chainage…

  • Otago Central Railway [2]: Wingatui-Pukerangi

    Well the main effort on the Otago Central has naturally started from Wingatui and worked up. Yesterday I spat out the first set of maps for trial and these are now up at the new nzrailmaps Flickr site ( Today’s effort has been to work over them all again and fix numerous issues. The main…

  • Project Update: Otago Central Railway [1]

    Well over the break work first began on updating the MSL from Palmerston to Dunedin and after getting as far as Oamaru work on that has stopped for the time being to focus on the Otago Central Railway. This has been intensified over the last week looking at all areas of the line but naturally…

  • NZ Rail Maps From Here

    As most will be aware this blog has not had a post in about 2 months, and in fact I have not done any mapping activity in that time. For the most part I have needed some time to look at where this project is going, and how it fits in with other new interests…

  • Wairarapa Line [0A]: Volume 6 Progress Update 1

    Well after a few days work I have completed maps of the Wairarapa Line. There are 95 individual maps covering roughly 170 km of line. The scale varies from 1:2222 to 1:3333 for the Wellington-Speedys Crossing section (55 km) which has a lot more detail in it as it includes all of the suburban stations,…

  • Current Projects on NZ Rail Maps

    During the current holiday period I am working on a lot of cleanup projects and other activities. Some of these include: Reorganising and restructuring several projects, particularly Northland-Auckland and Canterbury-Westland, that have data in the old single purpose layer structures. Adding information to a number of projects, especially Canterbury-Westland and Palmerston North Gisborne Line. New…

  • Clyde Today

    The site of the second Clyde station as it appears today (closed 25 years ago). The engine shed is now part of a rural fire service premises, the turntable still sits in the ground, while the goods shed and loading bank are in a site used by rail trail operators. Public access to the rail…

  • Current Progress: Otago Central and Clyde

    Currently I am looking at some more aerials but these will not enable new detail to be added to the map as they are going to be too low in resolution due to the change of Archives New Zealand’s pricing structure. All they will be used for is to pinpoint where I can get higher…

  • Next Aerial Batch

    A request has been sent to Archives New Zealand for a new batch of aerials. These will cover from Galloway down to Wedderburn, with a couple of Clyde as well. The ballast pit at Chatto Creek should also be included. The specific photos requested are: R18344219: Survey 71, Run C, Photo 4 R18344220: Survey 71,…