Category: Otago Central Railway

  • Otago Central Railway [13]: Locating the new Clyde station

    One thing I don’t have at the moment is a source document showing exactly where Clyde was moved to in 1980. We know where the railway yard was, but not where the location of 214.38 km was exactly, which is the kilometrage shown in various sources for the new station, because there isn’t a new…

  • Otago Central Railway [12]: Clyde overview

    Here are some more maps of Clyde: Here’s a good overview of the Clyde area and showing how the line headed up into the Cromwell Gorge, compared to where the dam and Lake Dunstan are today. Bridge 86 seen out to the right is the Muttontown Gully viaduct. One of the aerial photos I have…

  • Otago Central Railway [11]: Alexandra-Clyde

    At the moment I am focusing just on getting the main line aligned from the aerial photos and haven’t drawn any more station layouts or milepegs in since Wedderburn Station and MP112 (Omakau). However soon enough the alignment work will be completed right through to Cromwell as I have just reached the outskirts of Clyde.…

  • Otago Central Railway [10]: Omakau

    Well I have been very busy over the last week or two and haven’t done any maps much. Here anyway is an aerial shot of Omakau with the platform and goods shed clearly visible. As mentioned last time I am just whizzing along and marking in mileposts etc and not drawing yards at the moment…

  • Otago Central Railway [9]: Wedderburn-Auripo

    Here’s some features of the line between Wedderburn and Auripo. I have rushed ahead with marking mileposts up to 102 M and features and have yet to draw layouts of Oturehua, Ida Valley and Auripo stations. Bridge 65 (Wedderburn) and Bridge 66 (highway overbridge). There have been two bridges at the latter site. The present…

  • Otago Central Railway [8]: Waipiata-Ranfurly

    Whilst progress has slowed a lot lately I am still working on the maps as time allows. I have discovered that aerial photography at 0.4 metres resolution is available for the entire line (there is higher resolution coverage available for a few areas close to Dunedin as well). This is very material to what I…

  • Otago Central Railway [7]: Kokonga

    So today we are having a look at Kokonga, Here’s a few maps. In the last two posts I showed where the station building was relocated to after NZR sold it, and what it looks like today. I don’t know when that happened, but probably sometime after 1985 when the station was fully closed. Here…

  • Otago Central Railway [6A]: Relocated station buiildings

    Oops, I had better put in a couple of pictures of the railway stations in their new locations. The second photo was found here: The title refers to the means used to get this building up a hill, which you can read about in the web site, as well as the general area.

  • Otago Central Railway [6]: Location maps for relocated Ida Valley and Kokonga stations

    Following on from my previous post it has been interesting and useful to locate the Kokonga and Ida Valley station buildings which were taken intact from the railway after they closed. I am not sure of the dates in which this occurred but the buildings are publicly accessible today and are used as musterer’s huts…

  • Otago Central Railway [5]: Hyde-Kokonga

    So in the last week I have been pushing ahead with the maps and have now reached milepeg 65, Kokonga station. Right now I am drawing a station layout for that yard which had a few sidings including a ballast pit and a coal loading stage. Part of the interesting aspect of this is that…