Stillwater Ngakawau Line [13]: Rahui

Rahui is the next station west of Mackley Ballast Pit. It is a remote location in the Buller Gorge. It is recorded as having opened in December 1943 when the line was linked through the Gorge from the south. Although the PWD had constructed part of the line through the Gorge from the 1920s and had reached places further west there is no record at this time that Rahui was opened earlier. Maps show that a coalmine and sawmill were located near Rahui and that tramways were installed for both operations. Nelson Creek Sawmilling are thought to have been active in the general area.
As an NZR station Rahui closed to general traffic in 1964 but was retained as a crossing loop until 1982. There was no road access to the area so the traffic was probably solely from the mine and mill. There was access by foot to the area via a suspension bridge near Berlins, this was removed many years ago. Any rail freight for this lightly populated area was probably via the Inangahua station. Small coal mines also existed in the vicinity of Berlins at this time.



