Otago Central Railway [61F]: Finishing Maps Cromwell-Alexandra 3

Last time I wrote there were some problems with the aerial photo layer I used to do the Clyde stations. This is a particular hazard with the use of the old aerial photos that are not orthorectified. It was more productive for me to create a completely new aerial photo layer project for Clyde than try to fix the existing ones but it still took most of two days, but that is just a learning curve for this type of thing, as these were some of the very early photo mosaics I have done. The net outcome after a couple of false starts is good, but there are some alignment issues in less critical places that are still visible but not relevant directly to the rail lines, because it’s impossible to completely eliminate all of these. 
Here are three views of the new Clyde station and surrounds:

 1977, NZED siding, no station.

 1981, station, MOWD depot and siding

2013, as it is today.



