Since the field testing on August 5th and the subsequent report on map formats for future testing, no substantial work of any nature has been done on the maps. There has been a small change in the GPS files that are available for download from the Volume 7 page. The full set of GPS locations remains available in one file, but there are now also separate files for stations and mileposts. This is because some GPS capable devices, such as apps running on smartphones, can load several GPX files at one time and can give them different symbols or colour codes for displaying their points. Thus, it is possible to readily distinguish between stations and mileposts on the screen of the app and quickly find stations which will stand out as a different colour or symbol than mileposts.
Work which has been undertaken in the past week has been to correct and update details of the maps where information has been obtained from the field trip about specific details of maps already drawn which can be updated with new information. This mainly has consisted of various station locations such as Aylesbury, Kirwee, Sheffield and Otira. The Volume maps produced for these areas are being updated but no updates have been added to the website yet.
Some pictures of details found are included below. (Click on an image to see it full size)