
Welcome to the New Zealand Rail Maps website. This site hosts free interactive web maps covering the past and present national railway network of NZ. Several other map formats are also in production and will be available in future.

Web maps for the whole of New Zealand are currently being developed and became available on this site on 1 January 2021. A process of continuous improvement will provide approximately weekly updates of new content to these maps. Viewing these requires a fairly recent standards-compliant browser and operating system.

For those who are using older or less capable computers, the image based format is available for a small number of volumes that have been previously developed. Choose the Volumes entry in the menu above to access these. PDF and GPX formats will also be available in future from the Volumes site, as well as the image based format for other volumes as these are developed and revised.

The project also plans to provide a stations database which will include mapped and non-mapped aerial photography of every station in the New Zealand national railway network, including those which are current and historic. This will be developed sometime later in 2021.

Use the menu at the top of this page to find different resources on the site. The NZ Rail Maps site is affiliated with Converser.nz.