Category: Volume 0

  • Otago Central Railway [50]: Finishing Otago Central and other maps

    As I get to the completion of the maps (or as complete as they can be made) I have to look at how practical that is to achieve and how long it will take etc. So far as the Central goes I have only had access to chainages for 25 miles to 146 miles (about…

  • NZRM: The week in retrospect

    Well it has been a different week looking back, because although a great deal of work has been undertaken over many many hours, virtually no new railway knowledge has been added. The time spent on redoing the Cromwell Gorge maps has been mainly for historical information, and not information particularly about the railway as almost…

  • New map formats

    Due to the need to do some new things some additional map formats have been added. For the map books, the previous map size was half of an A4 page, and the maps were always orientated so that straight up was north. The standard map size is now 1/3rd of an A4 page, and the…

  • FB and this project

    Everyone will be aware that I do have a Facebook page associated with this project, but only since earlier this year. But for a long time I did not even have this blog. Old posts on this blog have actually been transferred from another blog. But now I have a website as well, and if…

  • Online map options

    As we all know this project is producing, basically, “offline” maps that can be accessed online if you choose, or that you can download to be used offline if you are somewhere where internet access is patchy or non-existent, or if you find the internet difficult to use. There is naturally a question of whether…

  • Otago Central Railway [40]: Progress

    Well things have been a bit slow lately with the whole maps project, not just the Otago Central part of it. When I look over previous months particularly August when the SNL and Nelson maps were being put together quite rapidly, it’s pretty obvious that in September and October I haven’t been able to give…

  • Use of online services by the NZ Rail Maps project

    As you can see with recent posts on this blog and on Facebook I have rejuvenated the old nzrailmaps site on Trainweb so that the URL to it can be used on all published maps as a single point of reference for all aspects of this project. In the past all of the content was…

  • NZ Railmaps website launched

    As a result of discovering a domain name in NZ can be had for only $20 a year, I have registered for use with the project. Anyone who remembers this project over its entire 10 year history will recall that it started with a website hosted on So I have dusted off that…

  • Nelson Section [8]: Maps released

    As I’m a bit too busy to pump out posts about the Nelson Line in general I have just published two Flickr albums with each containing a full set of maps of the line. The maps are arranged so that they always present the route from left to right, this ensures it is very intuitive…

  • Significant changes in maps unlikely as result of new aerial photography availability

    In recent posts I have talked about Retrolens and their new aerial photography. One of my recent posts made the point that I don’t expect the work done with the Nelson Section maps to be replicated across all the maps I am drawing. Whilst the aerial photography has been very useful and I will be…