Category: Earthquake
Main North Line [2]: Ferniehurst-Claverley
Last post we had a look at Parnassus as the first station within the ambit of the aerial photography that we have as a result of the earthquake in November 2016. There are two main goals to be served by making use of that aerial photography: mapping out all railway features in greater detail, and…
Main North Line [1]: Parnassus
While I am still revising the article on the Otago Central Railway, actual mapping work has come to a halt on the section Cromwell-Oturehua because all the work that is needed to inform the article writing has been completed. The exception to this is Alexandra, where I am waiting to hear from Archives New Zealand…
MNL repairs 28/4/17
NZTA earthquake repair newsletter
Ground damage between bridges 135 and 136 near Mirza. Currently KRL is undertaking formation repairs in the vicinity of “Tar Barrel” nearby.
MNL Bridge 95
MNL Bridge 95 (Claverley Creek) showing severe subsidence particularly at the north end. The bridge built in 1938 is being strengthened and its abutments rebuilt. (Aerial photography courtesy LINZ)
Kaikoura Earthquake Updates
– From NZTA newsletter