NZRM Progress Report 2024-05-25: Volume 10

Well our apologies for such a long time since the previous report. Work has been slowed somewhat in the current month, but is proceeding satisfactorily and some hardware upgrades have been performed on the Project’s computers to increase production speed for both mosaics and maps. The main effort in recent weeks has been in Volume 10, specifically Dunedin to Mosgiel. Whilst this work has been going on for more than six months in total, it is scheduled to be completed within the next month. What will come after that hasn’t yet been decided.

It would be a good time to look ahead to the possibility of updating the web maps at the end of this year, which of course was supposed to happen last year. One of the things that is being done at the moment to help make that happen is reinstalling the map build environment onto a different computer. There is still a fair amount of work needed to adapt existing volume projects to new formats and map boundaries, and so that will be an important focus during the rest of 2024.

Whilst we are planning to get some more bulk aerial surveys supplied from Linz, it is presently unclear when that can next happen since it is planned as a yearly occurrence, and so that would leave us expecting to see the next lot of supply take place towards the end of the year. Before then, we have to get some extra storage capacity installed in one of the Project’s computers. This however has been recently upgraded so that there is enough physical capacity in its case for extra disks, and all that has to be done is to purchase and install them.

