MSL Branches [3C]: Springburn Branch 3

As a result of the work undertaken at Archives New Zealand over the past couple of weeks I now have a pile of info about the Springburn Branch. The next stage is like Methven to go through it all. I have been busy with other stuff for the past week or two and still have a lot of mosaic stuff to do for both lines as well as some of the other stuff I was working on.
Today I was at Archives viewing files for the Westerfield military camps. There were five camp sites near Westerfield Station, between 1942 and 1948. Remnants still exist on the Langdon farm in Langdons Road, Westerfield.
It would appear that the track diagram I have of Westerfield for the siding that was put in is for Westerfield station rather than a specific military camp site as all diagrams obtained and copied from Archives New Zealand for camps A-E do not show any railway sidings within those camps.
Westerfield as seen in 1941. The railway station is lower centre. In the upper centre-left the plantation trees are the Langdon family farm, which was the site of Camp A. Since the establishment of the camps took place in 1942 we have no aerial photos of any of the installations. I will later on post full aerials (historic and present) of all the military camp sites as part of map drawing.



