Kingston Branch [2B]: Invercargill-Makarewa 2 (Invercargill 2)

Here are aerials for Invercargill Loco for 1958, 1964, 1972, 1985, 1998 and present. I haven’t managed to pin down when the 1964 locomotive shed was demolished but it appears to be sometime between 2008-2013.

For the whole of the Southland section of Volume 12, I am at present just making basic map tiles like these ones and doing a small amount of mapping, but it is not as big a priority as the Otago Central, and so the Central maps will probably be fully finished first, which will go on throughout next year.

1958 view of Invercargill Loco. This is the earliest image I can get right now and not too sharp either. But it does show more or less what the place looked like in the peak of the steam era.

 1964. Basically the main differences are the new shed built and its turntable. This is obviously all quite recent and raw and in fact that is the year the new shed was constructed in behind the steam era roundhouse.
1972. The major difference here is the demolition of the roundhouse (which actually occurred in 1965) and consequently the tracks from the right hand side of the new shed were able to be put through where the roundhouse used to be.
 1985. Main changes are construction of the road overbridge seen upper left, and some smaller buildings along the lower edge of the picture changed.

 1998. Obviously another poorer quality pic. Mostly the change you will see on this one is two of the older sawtooth roofed shed in the lower left corner have been demolished by this stage.

2015. The main changes are the 1964 loco shed demolished, and the part of the site at lower left has been sold and developed as a new Placemakers premises. The odd shaped piece of land to the right of Placemakers has also been built on in recent years although as what is not known at the time of writing.




