Stillwater Ngakawau Line [6]: Mawheraiti

Mawheraiti has referred to three locations:
  • The original station was located at 45.08 km, or north (railway west) of Bridge 48. It opened in 1891, and it was closed to all traffic in 1988. Bridge 48 crosses the Mawheraiti River.
  • When the line was converted to Track Warrant Control about the same time as the original station closed, the name was applied to an Intermediate Board placed at 43.5 km, as shown in the map below. The location of this former board is about the same as the north (west) end of the new loop.
  • The most recent use of the name is at the crossing loop located between the 42 and 44 km pegs as shown below.

Here’s a map of the former station north of Bridge 48

The station building and a loading bank are still present at the site.



