The decisions which have been reached for publication are:
- I have a Flickr site established at where the individual maps are released in albums. All maps will be placed here and can easily be viewed online. On mobile devices the Flickr apps make it very easy to flick through the maps.
- I have just established a Scribd account and uploaded map volumes to it. You can access the collection of them free of charge at . A Scribd account is needed to download any of them but there is no actual charge for this download.
No use is to be made of Amazon CreateSpace for any publications. This is a protest against Amazon’s globalising expansion into the Australian retail marketplace which will see more of the revenue from the retail marketplace sucked out of the Australian economy and drive a further large increase in economic inequality in Australia.
Currently there is work ongoing to assemble a pair of articles about the Otago Central Railway for the NZ Railway Observer. This is presently the sole additional publication of NZ Rail Maps material other than what is referred to above. It is not intended for me to become a distributor of hard copy editions of the maps but the Creative Commons license will enable anyone else who chooses to distribute the maps and charge anything they wish for them.