Otago Central Railway [61A]: Finishing Maps

There has been quite a bit of progress with maps since the last blog post. I am just not blogging as often lately, but I will start to pick that up again. 
I have mapped the entire TGR line with all the detail available including full and half km posts and other details I can get off Youtube videos which people have done with cameras mounted to the front of locomotives. These maps will soon be published to the Google Plus collections.
The next step already mentioned is to systematically work down from Part 1 to Part 3 from Cromwell back to Middlemarch to finish all the maps throughout and update all the Google Plus collections in turn. There is quite a lot of mucking around here with particularly Alexandra and Clyde generational maps to be finished. There is also the map of Auripo in Part 3 which I think is the only station not finished therein, and various bits in Part 2. The Part 1 maps need the most work.
This has all had to be fitted around migrating to Qgis 3 which was released two weeks ago. I have spent a lot of time setting up a third computer to hold all the VMs I use to free up disk space on mainpc, and have been putting together several VMs that will be on mainpc because they will be for older versions that are archived and that need to be included in the backups, such as 2.14 which has some extra functionality not available in later editions. 3.0 is natively installed on MainPC and development builds are all on the serverpc collection of VMs.



