Otago Central Railway [60B]: Wingatui to Ranfurly 2

Well it has been a few days since the last posting, however as of today I am commencing to write Part 3. Part 2 came out last week in the Observer and my chief regret is that the maps weren’t actually completed for Part 2. This only needed Auripo map to be finished before the entire maps for the section could be put out. However there are also some questions of revising some of the Part 1 maps as well.
In the meantime for the purposes of Part 3 which must take priority I have still got to finish detailing the route from Salisbury to Pukerangi putting in mile and km pegs and checking other details, so that will be pushed ahead right away and the article writing will then follow along with the extent of maps that are needed to illustrate Part 3. These are mainly for illustrations and are top priority.



