Category: Off-Topic

  • Dunedin City Council Votes To Mothball Dunedin Railways As Complete Close Down of Business

    We have already blogged twice recently about the direction Dunedin City Council is taking with Dunedin Railways, which has suggested the closure of Dunedin Railways in its current form. This week we obtained the minutes of the DCC meeting a month ago where they discussed the options for Dunedin Railways and made the decisions. Dunedin…

  • Taieri Gorge Railway unlikely to continue commercially

    Last week we blogged about Dunedin Railways being mothballed. Since then various pieces of information have been published. Based on what has been released to date, we see it as unlikely that the Taieri Gorge line can be continued in its present form as a commercial operation between Wingatui and Middlemarch. We have no viewpoint…

  • Taieri Gorge Railway mothballed; OETT selling out its shareholding

    It’s been reported in the ODT today that Dunedin Railways is to mothball its operations due to the COVID-19 caused economic recession. 80% of their business comes from overseas tourism, notably cruise ship visits to NZ, which is naturally hugely affected by COVID-19, and it is difficult to run the trips under current lockdown conditions…

  • [OFFTOPIC] Kells Transport Museum, Blossomgrove, Cork, Ireland

    These Google Earth images are the notorious Kells Transport Museum in Blossomgrove, Cork, Ireland, a large collection of buses owned by one Michael Grimes. This fellow has apparently had a few run ins with the law as well as with lots of other people and his bus collection allegedly numbered over 400 at its peak…

  • Private train proposals have zero credibility

    As we all know the national railway network in this country has had a range of owners particularly in the last 25 years when it was privatised by a National government. It got renationalised back in 2003-8 but not as the unified network it once was, since metro operations had been tendered to various operators,…

  • Clear choices needed in local government elections

    Later this year there will be local government elections held throughout New Zealand. Whilst there are only a few areas in which good transport options are being compromised by local politicians, it is important to address these, and the areas concerned are as follows: Northland – the Regional Council is too pro-road (being dominated by…

  • National Railway Museum is too small to go it alone

    The National Rail Museum is a rail heritage group based at Ferrymead Heritage Park in Christchurch. A date of establishment isn’t something I could put my finger on right now, but I am guessing 2003 would be an approximation but it could well be earlier than that. I do recall a number of events taking…